Visual Grammer and Aesthetics Chapter

34 Hours/5 weeks


Dates Week One
Thursday, October 21st  – Lecture
Saturday, October  23rd  – Workshop

Times Week One
9 am -noon EST

Dates Week Two
Monday, October 25th – Critique
Thursday, October 28th- Lecture
Saturday, October 30th  – Workshop

Times Week Two
9 am -noon EST
10 am -noon EST
9am -noon EST

Dates Week Three
Monday, November 1st – Critique
Thursday, November 4th- Lecture
Saturday, November 6th – Workshop

Times Week Three
9 am -noon EST
10 am -noon EST
9am -noon EST

Dates Week Four
Monday, November 8th- Critique
Thursday, November 11th – Lecture
Saturday, November 13th –Workshop

Times Week Four
9 am -noon EST
10 am -noon EST
9am -noon EST

Dates Week Five
Monday, November 15th- Critique
Individual One Mentoring

Times Week Five
9 am -noon EST
One hour by arrangment

Learn how to create consistent striking images to tell your story in this unique five weeks hands-on live online program, with mentors guiding you at every step.  Zone II is designed to help you create photos with intention. Communicating through an image is very much like speaking a new language. With the proper grammar and aesthetics, your work has the potential to  become more powerful and emotionally charged.  In this Zone, you will learn the fundamentals to communicate clearly with your work, irrespective of the photo genre.

From camera angles to color theory and graphic elements, you will learn how to structure your compositions.  This chapter will boost your confidence and make you a better photographer.

The Zone II  program consists of four live lectures, four live shooting sessions in which you produce work with the assistance of your mentor, four reviews/critiques, and a one-on-one session with your mentor. 34 hours total.

Register for the entire course or contact us about learning specific skills, which are all listed below, You can join part of the course at an hourly rate.

Knowledge, practice, guidance, and reviews!

What is Offered

Zone II offers a balance between the theoretical and practical aspects. Our is a hands-on course during which students produce photographic work. Students’ work is reviewed collectively which helps improve knowledge and visual acumen. Students will also be guided by a personal mentor, to further maximize their learning.

Getting Started With Digital Workflow – Zone 1

This is Your Zone

Theoretical Elements

-Photography as a language
-Explaining  visual grammar
-Starting with why?
-Action and effect
-Empowering the viewer vs Empowering the subjects
-Compositions and depth
-Dot, Line, and Plane, understanding how to use graphic elements to your advantage
-Johannes Itten Colour Theory and its application
-Back to front, beyond the subject
-How to create a balanced image at all times

Four Shooting Demos and Exercises

-My Neighbourhood
-Writing With Colours
-Dot Line and Plane
-Market Shoot

Review, Critique and Mentorship

-Review and feedback session for all the photo created during the workshops
-A final One-on-One session with your mentor

Dates Week One
Thursday, October 21st  – Lecture
Saturday, October  23rd  – Workshop

Times Week One
9 am -noon EST

Dates Week Two
Monday, October 25th – Critique
Thursday, October 28th- Lecture
Saturday, October 30th  – Workshop

Times Week Two
9 am -noon EST
10 am -noon EST
9am -noon EST

Dates Week Three
Monday, November 1st – Critique
Thursday, November 4th- Lecture
Saturday, November 6th – Workshop

Times Week Three
9 am -noon EST
10 am -noon EST
9am -noon EST

Dates Week Four
Monday, November 8th- Critique
Thursday, November 11th – Lecture
Saturday, November 13th –Workshop

Times Week Four
9 am -noon EST
10 am -noon EST
9am -noon EST

Dates Week Five
Monday, November 15th- Critique
Individual One Mentoring

Times Week Five
9 am -noon EST
One hour by arrangment